Danilo Cimadomo is the Science and Research manager of Genera centers for reproductive medicine, part of IVIRMA Global Research Alliance.
He received his BSc and MSc degrees at the University of Pavia in “Medical Biotechnologies” and “Molecular Biology and Genetics”, and its PhD at the University of Rome “Sapienza” in “Morphogenesis and Tissue Engineering”.
After two internships at the University of Pavia and at the University of Cambridge, he started working at Genera where he contributed to the validation, implementation, and monitoring of a blastocyst stage PGT program.
His research is mainly focused on the strategies to improve embryo selection, and he is Author of over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
He is part of the Executive Committee of the Italian Society of embryology, reproduction, and research (SIERR) with the role of coordinator of the scientific board.
He is Basic Science officer and Coordinator Elect of the ESHRE special interest group in implantation and early pregnancy (SIGIEP).
He was part of the ESHRE working groups that updated the good practice recommendations for embryo biopsy in IVF and the good practice recommendations for the definition, diagnosis, and treatment of repeated implantation failure (RIF).
He serves as reviewer for several journals in the field of reproductive medicine and embryology, and he is associate editor of Human Reproduction Update.
He is the coordinator, together with Professor Maurizio Zuccotti, of a Master course “Biology and Biotechnology of Reproduction: from Research to Clinics” at the University of Pavia.