You can now apply for admission to the new edition of the Master's Degree for the 2024-2025 academic year

The admission process serves to ensure that all students meet the programme’s requirements and thus guarantee an optimal work environment during the course. To apply for admission, you must apply online. Remember that you will need to upload the required documents.


Department of Cellular Biology, Physiology, and Immunology of Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona and Reproductive Medicine Service of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction Department of Dexeus Mujer- Hospital Universitari Dexeus.


14 places are offere, of which 10 carry out theoretical classes and practices in Barcelona and 4 carry out theoretical classes in Barcelona and practices in collaborating centres abroad

Place and dates

The Master’s Degree will take place from September 2024 to September 2025.

Theoretical modules: from September to December 2024 at the facilities of Dexeus Mujer, Barcelona.

Practical modules: from January to June 2025.

  • Ten places at Dexeus Mujer, Barcelona.
  • One place at Center for Human Reproduction Prof. Franco Junior – Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  • Two places at Procrearte – Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • One place at SISMER – Bologna, Italy

These conditions may be subject to variations due to restrictions imposed by health authorities in different countries due to COVID-19.


The Master’s Degree theory classes and sessions will be taught in Spanish, Catalan andEnglish.

The UAB offers free Catalan courses for students who require it.

Objective of the programme

The great experimental development in Assisted Reproduction Techniques in recent years makes clear the need to create specific training programs for future professionals in this field. The program offers the student basic and applied training on sterility and Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques.

Programme content

The Master’s Degree has an eminently practical content and is structured in 7 modules that include theoretical bases and practical training in the study of fertility and Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques.

ECTS credits: 60

Consult the study plan on this UAB website, as well as additional information.

Faculty and Coordinators

Taught mainly by professors from the Department of Cellular Biology, Physiology, and Immunology of Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona and Reproductive Medicine Service of Dexeus Mujer – Hospital Universitari Dexeus.

Dr. Montserrat Boada Palà

Dr Montserrat Boada Palà


Clara González Llagostera

Clara González Llagostera


Dr Josep Santaló Pedro

Dr Josep Santaló Pedro


Dr Joan Blanco Rodríguez

Dr Joan Blanco Rodríguez



Master’s Degree for graduates in:

  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Biology.
  • Biochemistry.
  • Biotechnology.
  • Pharmacy.
  • Genetics.
  • Medicine.
  • Veterinary.
  • Related disciplines.
Pre-registration and Selection of Students

Consult this UAB website to complete the pre-registration form attaching the required documents.

Pre-registration must be formalized before 18 June 2024.


Enrolment formalizes your entrance into the programme and entitles you to obtain the corresponding title or certificate given that you successfully pass it. To avoid any surprises with the required documents, we advise you to enrol on the first days of the provided period.


The price for the 2024-2025 academic year is 9.500 €.

Instalment payment

This program offers payment in several installments.
You can request the details contacting the direction/coordination of this study.


The two students with the highest final score will receive a € 1500 grant to cover the costs of a two-week stay at the Unité de Biologie de la Reproduction du Service de Médecine de la reproduction et préservation de la fertilité de l’Hopital Antoine-Beclere in Clamart, Paris (France) or the registration to a hands on course at the Assisted Reproduction Laboratory of Dexeus Mujer.

Job placement programme

A one-year paid position in the Andrology Laboratory of Dexeus Women and a one-year paid position in the Ovodonation Clinic of Dexeus Women at the end of the master’s degree.
Availability of places according to the requirements of the Reproductive Medicine Service.
Places will be assigned through personal interviews.

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We inform you that the personal data that you provide by filling in this form will be treated by Dexeus Mujer Foundation as responsible for this website. The purpose of collecting and processing this data is to contact you regarding your request and in the event that you expressly authorize us to send you information on activities, promotions and / or services and our periodic newsletter. The legitimation is carried out through the consent of the interested party. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and delete the data before the data protection officer at dpd@dexeus.com as well as the right to file a claim with a control authority. You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection in our privacy policy.