Impact of embryo biopsy technique on the prevalence of mosaicism

Impacto de la técnica de biopsia embrionaria en la prevalencia de mosaicismo

An observational study led by the embryologist Lluc Coll analysed whether the prevalence of mosaic embryos in ART cycles with preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) is associated with the trophectoderm biopsy technique used or with the time elapsed until the tubing of the sample.

Does the type of conception influence the outcomes of twin pregnancies?

La forma de concepción en embarazos gemelares, ¿influye en los resultados?

Twin pregnancies are associated with higher rates of obstetric complications, preterm birth and perinatal morbidity and mortality than singleton pregnancies. But does the mode of conception have an impact on twin pregnancy outcomes? A retrospective study led by Dr Pilar Prats analysed a cohort of 1135 spontaneous…

Is gestational diabetes more common in ART patients?

Diabetes gestacional: ¿más frecuente en pacientes de reproducción asistida?

A retrospective study led by Dr Gemma Sesmilo analysed whether women who use assisted reproductive technology have a higher incidence of gestational diabetes than those who become pregnant spontaneously. The research also assessed whether…

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