Dexeus Mujer organises an interdisciplinary workshop to improve the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility

Certain aspects of the male factor in infertility remain contentious among specialists and require further research, according to experts. To explore these issues, the Andrology and Men’s Health Unit within the Reproductive Medicine Department at Dexeus Mujer organised an Interdisciplinary Workshop on Male Infertility for health professionals this month.
Dexeus Mujer offers clinical simulation-based training on shoulder dystocia

Shoulder dystocia is a rare but serious obstetric emergency. The Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) recommends that labour and delivery teams receive regular training in its resolution.
The Dexeus Mujer Foundation begins the 2024-2025 academic year with a robust portfolio of specialised training courses

Once again, we welcome the new academic year with an extensive portfolio of training activities, including master’s degrees, specialisation programmes and continuing education courses officially recognised and taught by expert professionals.
Study challenges the efficacy of prenatal aneuploidy screening in IVF pregnancies with PGT-A

Despite the theoretical benefit of a euploid embryo screened for aneuploidy by preimplantation genetic testing (PGT-A), the impact of PGT-A on first-trimester aneuploidy screening has not been accurately assessed.
New ovarian stimulation strategy leads to more high-quality embryos

Ovarian stimulation in both the follicular and luteal phases of the same cycle is an innovative strategy to retrieve more oocytes in a shorter time frame. This approach is therefore particularly attractive for patients with a poor ovarian response.
Validation study of digital imaging in cervico-vaginal cytology diagnosis

The difficulty in examining cytological smears lies in the surface area they occupy and the three-dimensionality of certain cell groups. Our centre has recently implemented a digital imaging system for liquid cytology that combines a novel artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm…