The 46th Edition of the Dexeus International Congress Concludes Successfully

The 46th Edition of the Dexeus International Congress Concludes Successfully

The 46th Edition of the Dexeus International Congress Concludes Successfully

From 25th to 27th April, an international congress on reproductive medicine was held in Barcelona. The event was organised by the Dexeus Mujer Foundation, chaired by Dr Pedro Barri, under the scientific direction of Dr Nikolaos Polyzos, Head of the Reproductive Medicine Unit at Dexeus Mujer. The congress was attended by renowned experts and brought together more than 700 professionals from 43 countries.

The event reviewed the latest advances in genetics and embryology and presented the newest developments in fertility preservation.

Of particular interest were the debate sessions, where internationally renowned speakers presented different viewpoints and high-quality scientific evidence on hot topics in reproductive medicine, such as the best strategies to optimise response to ovarian stimulation in different groups of patients, how to induce oocyte maturation, and approaches to cases of recurrent implantation failure.

The congress also looked to the future with innovative topics such as the potential applications of artificial intelligence in assisted reproduction laboratories and devoted an entire session to the impact of the often-overlooked male factor infertility on reproductive outcomes.

Other highlights included presentations on current issues in reproductive medicine and health, such as the impact of lifestyle and the environment on human fertility. The event also featured several embryology sessions, analysing relevant issues in embryonic development and oocyte maturation.

The Congress also saw the presentation of the Josep Maria Dexeus Medal, awarded since 1980 to individuals in recognition of their achievements and professional careers. This year’s winners were Dr Peter Humaidan, a specialist in reproductive endocrinology and professor at the University of Aarhus (Denmark), and Dr Pedro N. Barri, who received the award during a moving ceremony in recognition of his outstanding work at the head of Dexeus Mujer for more than 25 years and his many professional achievements, recognised both nationally and internationally.

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