Proposal to include corpus callosum assessment in routine ultrasound screening in routine second trimester ultrasound screening in pregnant women
A group of researchers at Dexeus Mujer have conducted a retrospective review of the prevalence of anomalies of the corpus callosum (AbnCC) over 11 years. The study included a sagittal assessment of the corpus callosum (CC) in the second trimester examination.
The results reveal that AbnCC was found in approximately 0.8/1000 of cases in an unselected population. The findings suggest that systematic and direct assessment of the corpus callosum as part of second trimester screening ultrasound should be recommended as routine practice.

Reference article:
Prevalence of corpus callosum pathology in an unselected population. Should assessment of the corpus callosum be included in the routine 20 weeks scan?
Mª Angeles Rodríguez, Mónica Echevarría, Laura Perdomo, Marta Gómez-Chiari, Sandra García, Pilar Prats, Bernat Serra,Gerard Albaiges.
First published: 01 January 2024. DOI: