The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Dexeus University Hospital has launched a specific obstetrics workshop based on the simulation method. The aim of the workshop is to improve the obstetric skills of the first-year residents (R1) who are studying for their specialisation at our centre. The course consists of a theoretical and a practical section. All the course materials are available in the Dexeus Campus Virtual Classroom.
According to Dr Pilar Prats, Director of R&D of the Obstetrics Unit and promoter of this initiative, the results have been very satisfactory, so the course will continue in the coming years.
The workshop, which took place on 9 June at Dexeus University Hospital and at the facilities of Hospital General de Catalunya (HGC), shows specifically how the mechanism of normal childbirth takes place and how to perform the correct manoeuvres for foetal and placental extraction and subsequent examination. It also teaches how to correctly perform intrapartum examination: identifying cervical dilatation and effacement, cephalic presentation, occiput position and planes of Hodge.
Other skills taught include recognition of normal and pathological CTG patterns, correct suturing technique in case of perineal tears and episiotomies, and communication skills in medical emergencies. In addition, the course also focuses on coordination skills and response to real situations that require appropriate action. The activity was followed by a joint evaluation, critical analysis and reflection session.
For the next course, there are plans to add workshops on shoulder dystocia, obstetric haemorrhage and obstetric surgery to the programme, and there are also plans to extend the training programmes to other areas such as invasive techniques, egg retrieval (fertility), laparoscopy (gynaecology), etc.
The medical team that carried out the simulation-based training included Dr Marta Claramonte, Dr Nimet Caner, Dr Judit Jurado and Dr Martí Cantallops. Dr Marta Choliz, Dr Marta Vila, Dr Julia Caminal, Sandra García Lumbreras (psychologist) a midwife at HGC, also collaborated.