
The great development of assisted human reproduction techniques in recent years has provided a wide range of therapeutic solutions to treat numerous infertility problems that affect approximately 15% of the population. This great expansion of assisted reproduction has, in turn, led to the need for training programs that allow professionals to update their knowledge by incorporating the latest technology and the most effective procedures both in the laboratory and in the clinic.

The annual Master’s Degree in Reproductive Biology and Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques was born in 1997 and was the first Spanish university master’s degree focused on this subject. Since then, numerous applications have been received each year, and among them the students who will take the master’s degree in our facilities (laboratories and consultations) are selected. The training is exclusive, and the work groups are very small, so places are limited and applications must undergo a strict selection process.


The main objective of this Master’s degree is to provide specialized and regulated training in assisted human reproduction techniques to graduates in biology, biochemistry, biotechnology and other biomedical sciences, providing them with the essential theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to work as embryologists in an assisted reproduction centre.

The Master includes basic and applied theoretical subjects, observational, tutored, and hands-on practices in the assisted reproduction laboratories (In vitro fertilization, Cryobiology, Andrology, and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) and rotations in the different consultations of the Reproductive Medicine Service of Dexeus Mujer. The Master also provides training in transversal competences such as Bioethics, Legislation, Research, and Scientific communication techniques that provide the student with a global and holistic vision of assisted human reproduction.

International Master

There is also the possibility of carrying out the practical part in other assisted reproduction centres in other countries, with which we have a collaboration agreement:

  • Next Fertility GynePro in Bologna, Italy.
  • Center for Human Reproduction Prof. Franco Junior in São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Procrearte in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Expert Diploma

The Expert Diploma “Updating in Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques” is a theoretical course lasting three months (September to December) that offers professionals or graduates in biomedical sciences the opportunity to update their knowledge with a training program that has the best professionals in this field.

This program is organized jointly by the Reproductive Medicine Service of the Dexeus Mujer Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction – Hospital Universitari Dexeus and the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology, and Immunology of the Universidad Autònoma of Barcelona.

«When you start to train, it is essential to have referents of the highest quality, rigour, enthusiasm and excellence. In Dexeus you find these references ».

Lluc Coll Lujan

Biologist of the Reproductive Medicine Service
Former student of the Master

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