Master in Gynecological, Obstetric and Breast Ultrasound


The importance that ultrasound has acquired as a diagnostic tool in routine clinical practice in all areas, and particularly in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology in all its areas (such as Reproduction, Mastology, Oncology, deep Endometriosis, Pelvic Floor, etc.), highlights the need to adequately train the figure of the ultrasound specialist or sonographer.

The education and training required by this specialized figure must be eminently practical, carried out in a real clinical practice environment and supervised by expert medical personnel who can guide their learning. The combination of these specific needs have given rise to the value proposition that this master’s degree represents: a firm commitment to train and give recognition to the figure of the sonographer and prepare him or her to be able to undertake or consolidate a professional career in this field of specialization.

This master’s degree is aimed at graduates in Nursing, Radiodiagnosis Specialist Technician (RST) and Superior Diagnostic Imaging Technician (SDIT).

We will open enrol in February 2025 for the 2025-2026 edition.

Why are you interested in studying this master's degree?

  • Acquire continuing education in Gynecology and Obstetrics in order to apply the knowledge learned in clinical practice.
  • Opportunity to grow professionally and personally.
  • Need for professionals specialized in ultrasound, especially in the field of women’s health at all stages of life, for the prevention and diagnosis of obstetric, gynecological and reproductive pathologies.
  • Possibility of learning in a reference center with a long history, with professionals with recognized experience and cutting-edge technology.

Professional outings

  • Gynecology, Obstetrics and Reproduction Clinics.
  • Reproduction Centers.
  • Private consultations of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
  • Diagnostic Imaging Services.
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The alliance between the UVIC-UCC Campus Manresa and Dexeus Mujer, an institution recognized for its high levels of excellence, allows training to be contextualized in a first-class environment, with a lot of practical content and a fully professional approach from the start.


Master’s degree in Gynecological, Obstetric and Breast Ultrasound issued by the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia.

If you do not have a university degree, you will obtain a Certificate of Specialization in Gynaecological, Obstetric and Breast Ultrasound issued by the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia.

This level of training accredits to perform routine obstetric ultrasound examinations of the first and third trimesters, aimed at checking fetal statics, biometry, placental location, amount of amniotic fluid, fetal vitality and biophysical profile.

Those accredited with this level are not considered to have to undergo second-trimester ultrasound aimed at detecting fetal malformations, or invasive techniques guided by ultrasound.

From a gynecological point of view, it accredits the performance of vaginal and abdominal ultrasounds. In the event that uterine and adnexal pathology is detected, it enables a correct diagnosis to be made, always under medical supervision, but not to perform invasive techniques.

In breast ultrasound it allows to detect benign and malignant pathology under medical supervision but not to perform invasive tests (PAAF).


Dra. Mª Àngela Pascual Martínez
Consultant and Director of R&D+i of the Gynaecological Diagnostic Imaging Service. Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction (Dexeus Mujer) at the Hospital Universitari Dexeus in Barcelona.

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