Scientific activity

We are aware of the importance of actively contributing to increasing the scientific heritage of the speciality with contributions from studies carried out in our department. We promote scientific activities by supervising doctoral theses, making publications, participating in clinical trials, and funding clinical research lines.

The prestige of the members of the Department means that they are frequently invited to give conferences or presentations at scientific events of the speciality. The Department facilitates attendance at these events and the Chair for Research in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (CIOG) ensures the scientific quality of all presentations at different scientific or academic events.


The Department supports all the initiatives to publish publications that endorse its action in promoting women’s health, but at the same time it gives decisive support to our physicians to promote the publication in journals with the highest impact in the scientific community.

This support is specified in the facilitation of the appropriate methodological approach by the Epidemiology Unit, the internal review by the respective Research managers for each line and the adequate and correct translation if necessary.

Studies and clinical trials

Studies on improving the effectiveness of assisted reproductive techniques, prenatal diagnosis in its maximum preventive expression, gynaecological oncology and mastology in its new individualized approaches are some examples of our preferential lines of research.

Either through scholarships endowed by our Foundation or through specific grants to researchers in the different branches of knowledge in the field of obstetrics, gynaecology and reproduction, the Department consolidates preferential research areas in the speciality.

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