Application for training stays for gynaecologists

Know us - Hospital
  • High Obstetric Risk.
  • Obstetric-gynaecological ultrasound and Prenatal Diagnosis.
  • Endoscopic Surgery and Gynaecology.
  • Oncological Gynaecology and Mastology.
  • Cervical Pathology / Lower Genital Tract.
  • Pelvic floor.
  • Gynaecological diagnostic imaging.
  • Reproductive Medicine.
  • Genetic Counselling

Application for training placements for doctors specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology

A good level of Spanish is essential to be able to provide this type of assistance.

Temporarily, there are no stays available in the Reproductive Medicine Service.


Applications for a training stay must be submitted with the following compulsory and exclusive documentation,with the following compulsory and exclusive documentation, otherwise it will not be possible to progress in the procedure:

In addition, you must provide the first day of your stay:

  • Liability insurance for the period of your rotation.
  • It will also be necessary to have health care covered.

Current rates:

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

1 month

2 months

3 months

690 €

1.120 €

1.510 €

1.900 €

3.350 €

4.360 €

1 week

690 €

2 weeks

1.120 €

3 weeks

1.510 €

1 month

1.900 €

2 months

3.350 €

3 months

4.360 €


08:30 h – 14:30 h
14:30 h – 20:30 h
*The schedules of the training stays are conditioned to the availability and assistance activity of each area.


The Teaching Committee of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction of Dexeus Mujer, reserves the right to accept applications for attendance. To this end, they will be studied, reviewed and evaluated, and the result of this selection process will be communicated to the applicant’s e-mail address.

At the end of the training period, a certificate will be issued stating the evaluation of the training stay as “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory” on the basis of the reports issued by the professionals who have supervised the training.

Application for National Resident Doctors in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MIR programme)

To apply for a training stay and to be able to carry out an external rotation of a resident doctor (MIR), you must follow the official and necessary procedures (within the MIR Programme).. Therefore, we indicate below the process to be followed:

The secretary’s office of the Teaching Committee of the interested party’s hospital must officially send the request for external rotation to the Teaching Committee of the Hospital Universitario Dexeus which must include all the details of the interested party, as well as the department/unit in which the rotation is to be requested and the date of the rotation. This request should be sent to the following e-mail address:

In any case, you can ask for information at the following e-mail address:

Application for foreign resident doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology

A good level of Spanish is essential to be able to provide this type of assistance.

Dexeus University Hospital is a teaching centre that welcomes students from different Catalan and Spanish universities with which we have agreements, students fromhands-oncourses, external assistants (doctors and biologists) from other training centres, etc All this means that, bearing in mind that our main activity is healthcare, places are very limited. It is essential to have a good level of Spanish to be able to attend this type of assistance..

The acceptance of training stays for foreign residents is subject to obtaining the corresponding authorisation from the Spanish Ministry of Health and therefore we cannot accept the rotation if it is not accompanied by this authorisation as this is the only way in which we can accept external rotations of foreign residents at our centre, eliminating the possibility of carrying out the rotation as a private training stay.

Reception of applications:
  • The call for applications for training stays to begin in the first half of the year (January-June) will remain open until the end of April of the previous year. In May, the applications received will be reviewed and before the end of June, the interested party will be informed by e-mail of the decision of the Teaching Committee.
  • The call for training stays to begin in the second half of the year (July-December) will remain open until the end of October of the previous year. In November, the applications received will be reviewed and before the end of the year, the interested party will be informed by e-mail of the decision of the Teaching Committee.

The calls for training placements are announced at specific deadlines, so it is advisable to check for updates on the Ministry of Health website, where you can also access complementary information:

Ministry of Health website

Status of the application deadline for training periods (Ministry of Health):

Period from 1 January to 30 June 2025


Period from 1 July to 31 December 2025

Closed *

Periods from 1 January 2026

Pending opening by the Ministry

Periods starting from 1 January 2025

Pending opening by the Ministry

* Attention:
The deadline for completing the online application and sending the documentation for call for Training Stay starting between 1 July and 31 December 2025 is from 13 to 24 January 2025 (time zone UTC+1).


Applications for a training stay must be submitted with the following compulsory and exclusive documentation, complete and in a single e-mail to, otherwise it will not be possible to progress in the procedure:

  • Download application form (PDF).
  • Updated CV.
  • Certificate of Residence.
  • Formal report from the Institution stating the details of the person concerned and the objectives of the rotation.
  • Motivational letter (optional).
  • Passport.

The duration of the rotation will be determined by the availability of each department (as a rule, no more than one month per area). Except in the case of training placements in the Reproductive Medicine Department, where only 2 places per year for a duration of 12 months each (subject to availability).

The Teaching Committee of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction of Dexeus Mujer, reserves the right to accept applications for attendance. To this end, they will be studied, reviewed and evaluated, and the result of this selection process will be communicated to the applicant’s e-mail address.

At the end of the training period, a certificate will be issued stating the evaluation of the training stay as “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory” on the basis of the reports issued by the professionals who have supervised the training.

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How can we help you?

We inform you that the personal data that you provide by filling in this form will be treated by Dexeus Mujer Foundation as responsible for this website. The purpose of collecting and processing this data is to contact you regarding your request and in the event that you expressly authorize us to send you information on activities, promotions and / or services and our periodic newsletter. The legitimation is carried out through the consent of the interested party. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and delete the data before the data protection officer at as well as the right to file a claim with a control authority. You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection in our privacy policy.